Tuesday, 30 December 2014



After we do our research, we have decided to presenting this idea for the table. We think that our design for the table is quite simple and look a bit fun to play with. We call it LEGO TABLE. Like in the info graphic, you have to assemble it on your own, It is simple. The table can be merged together like LEGO. So this is our idea for the table.

Monday, 29 December 2014



My teammates and I have been thinking about the problem that we are facing with the table. We think that there are some point that we can do more about the table. So, we have decided to get close with this problem and try to overcome it by creating a good table that can make table users be more satisfied. In order to overcome the problems, we used the six thinking hats method.We have obtain many information about tables. 

Like we all know, there are many types of tables such as dining table and coffee table. Each tables have their own specific things according for their purpose. 

After we have done our research, we found that most of the top selling table is because of the design, materials and durability. Most of the people doesn't mind about the materials but they focus on the design. Even from century ago, the design for table has become more stylish and futuristics. The design keeps evolving into a new era where people put their craziness in making tables. By gathering the information, we can finally try to think and put our creativity in making a good table for the publics.

Thursday, 25 December 2014











Sunday, 21 December 2014


For my character design, I choose to make a character for gaming. Most of my references for my character is from DOTA 2 which is one of my favorite game. Here are some of it.

This is my character.

I trace the image

And then i put the base colour

I add some detail  on it

And more details

And this is the result. This is my character

Wednesday, 3 December 2014



This is my matte painting.Here are some steps how i make the painting.





Tuesday, 2 December 2014


For the potraiture project , I have choose this face expression. Here are the steps how I make it.

First, I trace the outline so that it can be a guide for me to paint it

Then, I put the base colour for my potraiture

Then, I add some more colour to paint the other parts

I use different hue of colour so that we can see the light and dark spots

I add some more detail to it and this is the result.


Friday, 21 November 2014



In our life, problems is something that we cannot run from our daily life. There are many kind of problems that has been bothering us for all this time. Some of the problem can be solve easily but some are not. We always wanted the problems to be solved so that we can make our life feel better. Actually, it is our true nature and our desire to live in a comfortable surroundings. So, there are some of us that has been thinking and been worried about all of the problems that we have been facing so that the rest of us will not be worried. These group of people are called designers. What are designers actually? What did they do to make our life better? Designers is actually a business professional who develops solutions to commercial needs that require the balancing of technical, human and aesthetics requirements. The difference between designers and artist or craftsman is designers usually develops things that have requirements set by others and will ultimately produced by others. These people are specialist in this kind of job. Design are replaceable. It evolve from time to time. It also become a need to people because they always wanted something new. Some of the designers learns about this through the hard way such as Henry Ford. He is one of the famous designers. His model T is very famous once. He has produce many of them and everyone bought it but because of his model T is very durable, he face a great loss. Nowadays, our job has been more easier thanks to the designers.
They came up with an idea to make a machine so that we can do our job more efficiently. The machine has replaced men in the industry. Machines are like men and men are like machine. Thanks to designers, our job have become more easier but something has been playing through our minds, what does it takes to be designers? Why does these people can solve most of our problems? Why didn't we solve it ourselves? Can we? The answer of it is fear. We afraid to come near the problems. Is designer is fearless? no they are not. All of us have this problem even the designers. The difference between us and designers is that they take their chances to overcome their fear so that they can solve problems. Failure is something that we afraid of but they thought failure as a step to achieve success. And so, designers are someone that we should thank for. Why? It is because of they always thinks what is the best for us.

Monday, 10 November 2014


What is intelligence ? Do we have intelligence and how do you know that someone have intelligence ? Howard Gardner defines that intelligence is the ability to create an effective product or offer a service that value in the future. He also said that intelligence is actually a set of skills that make it possible for a person to solve problems in life and the potential for finding or creating solutions for problems, which involves gathering new knowledge. Howard has build his theory of multiple intelligence which consists of seven distinct intelligence.

This area deals with spatial judgement and ability to visualize the mind eye. They also are very aware of their surroundings. Example are sailor and architects.

The core of this intelligence are control of one bodily motions and the capacity to handle objects skillfully. They also have a good keen of sense. They are good at physical activities such as sport, dance and acting. Athletes, dancers and soldiers are in this group.

Show sensitivity to sounds and rhythm in their surroundings. Normally have a good pitch and even have absolute pitch. Can play well with instruments. Singer are one of the example.

Using words effectively. They are typically good at reading and communicating. Lecturers, teachers is actually is categorized in this type of intelligence

Understanding and interacting with others. Have many friends, empathy for others and often enjoy discussion or debate. Politicians and counselor are one of the example from this type.

Introspective and self-reflective capacities. Having a deep understanding of the self, what one's strength/weakness and being able to predict one's own reaction/emotions.

Has to do with logic, abstractions, numbers and critical thinking. Having capacity to understand the underlying principles. Scientist are one of them

Nurturing and relating information to one's natural surroundings. Example are hunters, gatherers, and farmers.

Spiritual or religious intelligence